Saturday, November 29, 2008

maybe because i'm sick...or maybe because it's my FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR!!!!

but i feel like blogging right now. i'm not sure what i want to say...but i know many have stopped reading. I really have no good excuse...all i got is that i'm so freakin busy, and i spend so much of my time writing/thinking of new stuff i just feel so boring in my own life. But now that thanksgiving is over...its hitting me that winter is here, which means ALL my favorite things in the world are starting. Christmas season is really just magical to me...i promise you that i'm 75% more likely to be happy around this time of year as opposed to cranky and tired. Maybe its because there are christmas lights everywhere, or that i can close every conversation with a store clerk with "Merry Christmas" but i'm just a happier person for the next 31 days! And i'm actually looking forward to my birthday (the 26th if all 3 of you forgot...doubtful though since i sent out texts) for a while lately i've been dreading my birthday this year because i really didnt think i'd ever be 23...weird yes i know but i'm not really a "think ahead kind of person"

Well...this is all i can do for nighttime sudafed is now kicking 3:32 am...but know that i'm going to make a better effort to blog...please bear with me!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

i know i'm in class but...

I feel like i'm in high school. And this is not a good feeling. really...i'm like in a time warp. everyone i look at seems exactly like someone who was in my 11th grade english class with Dr. Mooney.

this is freaking me out. I guess i've really snapped.

Monday, September 15, 2008


ok...i've decided i need to start blogging...but i want to start fresh. which means...i'm going to keep this blog for my random posts...but make another blog that doesnt have some seriously pathetic backlog wonder people dont read my crap...i am a sucky blogger...and far is that going to take me in my "writing" career?

basically...i'm trying to get instant gratification.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

just cant seem to get things right today

ever since i've moved into my new place...there are have been problems to fix. i'm tired. why cant i have a husband who can fix things. i really need a "fixer". anyone know one? please set me up.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

remember your first...

day of school?

i dont.

want to know why?

it was 17 years ago.

i miss this school...

not this school...

Monday, July 14, 2008

major blow to the ego

some of you may know my ability to be ambidextrous.

well...i've been fairly successful with training myself to be multi-tasky...well tonight during my nightly ritual of washing my face then brushing my teeth i tried to brush my teeth with my left hand because i have a freakin wicked blister on my right thumb...and i'm telling you...i cant do it. brushing my teeth with the LEFT hand that is...not just brushing my teeth in general. this "change up" just threw me off so much that i was willing to sacrifice the pain just to get these pearly whites minty fresh.

i'm so disappointed in myself.

i think i'll go eat an otter pop just to make myself feel better.
(my current favorite flave is strong it burns)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

summer how i love thee

ya be honest i haven't really loved a summer too much in the past couple years. but right now...with the sun out and no clouds in the sky. I COULDN'T LOVE IT MORE!!!!

Thinking about summer made me realize i never mentioned what the fam and i did for the 4th!!!

the 4th is one of my favorite holidays, i love bbq's i love wearing red white and blue without having to defend myself and i love that all over the US people are havin a dang good time. on a couple of occasions in my life i've been oversea's for the 4th...and its really just so depressing. People look at us like we're crazy when they overhear our cheers for independence. not like we're embarrassed but its still alittle sad.

about 3 years ago we went and visited my favorite uncle and aunt and cousins up in seattle. we really had no idea what to expect but my cousin tyler kept telling me that it'd be the best 4th celebration ever. WELL PEOPLE IT was so great...that we decided that going to Bainbridge would become another tradition for us on the 4th.

Here are the reasons why going to Bainbridge on the 4th is so awesome:
1. bainbridge is the coolest island ever, you get to take a big huge ferry from downtown seattle harbor straight across to Bainbridge island where EVERYONE is happy
2. the shopping on B.I. is so fun...its total island touristy stuff but so fun, in the past 3 years its really gotten better too with many more art gallery's, amazing paper stores, and some of the best jewelry boutiques ever. seriously.
3. the house we stay at is AMAZING...really movies should be shot there. Out of every window you can see city seattle. Its really one of the prettiest skylines i've ever witnessed.
4. They have two houses its double the fun.
5. ILLEGAL FIREWORKS!!!!!! (i grew up in the foothills of Boise idaho and when i was 12 we had to stay up all night afraid that our house was going to be burned down because of fires...therefore boise has a strict "no cool fireworks" code and so for 18 years i never knew the possibilities of bottle rockets, mortar balls, and ladybugs) Buying fireworks at the indian reservation is soooooo fun because my dad and uncle and cousins take it so seriously and make deals that i would never dream of. And this year my dad actually got illegal illegal fireworks from "under the table".
6. Not only can we set off the worlds best fireworks from the backyard into the Sound...we can watch atleast 8 different cities fireworks from the seattle area and it really is the most amazing thing ever. i have total sensory overload like a 5 yr old at toy's r us and basically tune out the world. its so fun.
7. we set off fireworks for 4 solid hours...and still have atleast 2 boxes full for next year. (one of my favorite times during this year was how we started off the night with a salute to 2007 using up all the leftover fireworks we could...and we still didnt get through it all.)

Another quick dad decided to up the anty from 3 years ago by buying a 2000 roll of firecrackers to be the show opener for the night...and so we rolled the firecrackers out on the edge of the backyard and it was 9 FEET LONG...which roughly translates to 8 minutes of was nuts...we couldnt even tape the whole thing on our cameras because it was so long.

So...this is all...and i'm sorry i dont have any pictures...we're not much of a photo family us carrasco's...but i like to think it's because we have too much fun to want to stop! ok!?

Hope you all enjoyed the independence of our country in the best possible way!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!! HOME OF THE FREE!!!!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Professor of Dirt

Not only is he a professor...he's got a sweet accent!

Reverse Graffiti

i have to say...what he talks about is really interesting and also very eye opening. It was so inspired of Clorox to find this guy and really make an impact in a public place with a motive behind works. The scene he does is really beautiful.I love this because i've decided that this is a summer for me to really work on seeing art and new ideas and trying to be more open minded!

Thanks Prof Moose and Thanks Clorox!!

(these are pictures of what he did in daylight)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

classic cool

so classic. so cool. so what i wish i could think of. man i love good ad's.

i've always thought that ray-bans were the ultimate cool sunwear and i really dont think i'll ever change my mind.

they set the bar. the ultra cool bad-ass bar.

(logan...notice the picture)

Friday, June 20, 2008

my name doesnt exist

for awhile now ive realized my name is messed up...awkward...different...but my friend logan used this site and said it was the best...and this is what happened when i put my name in

but for a site to declare that my name cant be found! MEAN

Summertime....yeah livin's easy

well...thats what my calendar says...and really how appropriate! i finished spring finals yesterday and really i couldn't be happier! i'm truly dedicating myself to having a great summer for the next 2.5 months and just totally enjoying my last summer. because yes...that's what this is!

Since I love summer and I love summer songs here are some goin back as far as i remember caring about what the summer songs were

2002- remember making of the video...i do. And maddi may kill me for telling the world this...but i'm pretty sure she did lipsycning for a class with this song...and yeah...we practiced for hours
2003-oh OHHHH i was so JUSTIFIED
2004-had to
2006-fun fact- celo's daughter was on sweet 16 and it was before he was in gnarls barkley and j and i seriously had to google him to see if he really was famous
2007-for a rainy day
2007-dont know how many times ive listened to this

I know i havent hit all of them...but i totally welcome suggestions!

Here's to SUMMER 08'

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

so close i can taste it

im 48 hours away from a real break from school. and every day that it gets warmer i get alittle bit more antsy for this all to be over. i wanna eat otter pops. get a flip flop tan. and roast mallows just because. 48 hours people and i'm a free super senior to be student living up her last days till i get slapped by the reality stick.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

drip drip drop little june showers

its rained all day. and i feel like the weather just knew what kind of day i needed it to be...and the mood i woke up in. its weird when things happen like this. lately its been so hard to get out of bed at all...and today was no exception.

i did get out and use my new nike shoes. everytime i look at them i think of all the work that went into that project..and start to miss my friends that have graduated.

lately ive really been questioning if i'm going in the right direction with my life. if i even have a direction at all. i think i'm seeing my life in tunnel vision.

all i know is, right now i am enjoying the rain and really looking forward to finding a reset button somewhere so that i can get out of bed.

Monday, June 02, 2008

embarking on a great adventure.

i have so much to do in the next 16 days. i have 2 stats tests. a magazine due. a cd due.
now this is alot...and i'm really not looking forward to it. but tonight while i was trying to prepare my mind and body for this i realized i needed something to somewhat measure this time and also keep me company since i'm down in this hole...well my companion is going to be Gilmore Girls from season one to season 6 (some of you may be thinking about how there were 7 seasons of GG but i am not going to watch season 7 because it was the worst season ever and not written by the genius Amy Sherman Pallidino) I love this show. i love lorel lei and rory and luke and miss patty and kirk and all of stars hollow..even paris on some occasions.

i hope i will make it. i cant wait for this to be over.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

new goal.

i am going to implement some in...I am going to be a better blogger. considering i'm supposed to be a writer for the rest of my life...i think i should try to embrace writing to the 4 people who read this. i read everyone elses blogs and wonder what is wrong with me. well...this shall be the summer to figure that out. i just need to do a few things before...
they are:
1. filling up the freezer with otter pops...while i was gone my dad depleted my supply and now that its finally above 50 degrees i am going to fill that baby up again.
2. new music...because i really wasnt having much luck with the old stuff
3. set up a reminder on my ical that i should blog...maybe that'll help
4. put blogger in my bookmarks bar

ok...i'm back. sorry for you all who are so used to me not blogging. it'll be tough but i'm sure we can make it through.

i really am bad at this.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I GOT INNNNNNN the reason for my lack of blogging...or really being able to socialize this semester has all been in preparation for a big application to the creative design advertising program. i've been obsessively working on all things advertising. I apologize for being so out of touch...moody...emotional...and yeah...not my normal self...although i'm truly figuring out i dont have a normal.

ANYWAYS....Last week was just nuts...i was on a team that pitched to NIKE....yeah..THAT NIKE...and we got free shoes from nikeid(i'll post what they're gonna look like soon)...then i put together my capstone class's book...which looks super cool...and then my portfolio to the creative track. It was truly the most insane week of my life...i've never worked so hard before and literally slept 10 hours in 5 days..and actually got some kick a results!!!! so cool

This past week i've really been in the holding pattern...but also trying to cure my insomnia and catching up on my school...and...not really sleeping because i was nervous about the results of the application.


i'm so excited to have such a sweet class and we'll all be friends! I CANT WAIT....

special thanks to everyone who loved me...and kept loving me even though i've been going absolutely crazy...i love you all

and thanks jenny...good call hiding the are the best goose


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I've got some free time...while watching Idol Gives Back i'm watching idol gives back...and i'm going to do a running blogentary...

first off...Sayeish sucks...and Rihanna should never be a compilation by 8 contestants...ever...she should be upset...why couldnt they actually get her to sing

Band from TV...AWESOME...the hot doctor from House playing an electric violin!?!?!...Terri Hatcher reinacting her drunken kareoke from the night before...BAD idea...

Forced conversation is never a good idea...especially between Miley Cyrus and Billy Crystal...yikes...has he had work done since City Slickers 2?

Fergie is most definitely not preggers...and are those leather leggings? or rubber? and WHOA cartwheels!!!! for real? also...heart shouldnt have come out of hiding...fergie will always outshine you in those leggings

ELI MANNING!!!!!! WHOA WHOA WHOA...ok I know my mom has always loved Peyton...and yeah...he won the superbowl a few months ago...and he was everywhere...but just NOW i'm falling for those big brown eyes and curly hair...or as my mom keeps saying...6'2'' Laser Arm Curly Brown Hair...Smokin Bod...ok...i added that last part in..but for real. brett i'm a giants fan. for real ( for the next 20 minutes i've been yelling at random times that i'm a giants fan...and my mom keeps laughing...she's my biggest fan)

Annie Lennox seriously...i am crying...those poor boys...i literally cheered when their tests came back negative

Everything Jimmy Kimmel said about simon was hilarious...yet very very do you part hair down the center like that?

Carrie...looks so crawford is an idiot...breaking up with her over text...thats almost as bad as...actually there isnt anything worse i hope he gets dumped in gossip girl...premiering in 12 days

Who is this drummer chick being backed up by Gloria Stefan...right now i'm having flashbacks to when i was 6 and dancing at emily tuttles house to the good times

Ok...every time they show a little african baby crying...i start crying...i cant stop this...seriously...i've cried about 4 times...especially when annie lennox cried...omg...and now they told me that 2 children died while writing this one segment...i'm going to get my credit card right now...and buying a mosquito net

British guys have such cool accents...but CMON...he loses all appeal when there are those lame figurines behind him...ok JUST redeemed himself by buying 20million mosquito nets

Reese Witherspoon is my favorite person...seriously...she is so awesome...and has the hottest BF ever

Ok...just donated...the carrasco family GIVES BACK...BAM!!!!!

GC ALERT!!!!....OK...when is a gospel choir not the best idea ever!!!! jenny can back me up...but GC's make even a lame song Mariah Carey...i love all GC's...if you can name the other kind of GC you get two bonus points

Alisha have the coolest voice...but such bad hair. Oh...and smaller earrings might be a good idea

I love apple commercials

MILEY CYRUS AGAIN!?!?! WHAT?! and WHAT is she wearing?!!?

Mom just said "WHERES BRAD PITT...THE ONLY REASON I'M WATCHING THIS IS FOR BRAD PITT" yeah mom...this is also a charity show...but sure...brad is a good reason to watch

She is now teling me to put in "here" that she still are stuck...its on the blog

Mom just admitted to having a crush on Billy Ray...really...i'm not kidding
heh...Billy cracks me up...."This is excellent!" about a girl moving a mouse around...heh

Robin Williams looks like he's been hittin the clubs alittle hard...sick

Does Tyra have real hair? because honestly...that girl needs to get some reality...and realize that none of her last 30 weaves have been a good idea

Finally Brad mom is LOCKED on to the it...LOVE it...BTW...he looks terrible...the hat? the baggy jeans...the worn in nikes? gosh...and the mic doesnt even work...heh..this lady is funny...lucky lucky woman...even though he does look bad right now
Mom is disappointed...not enough brad

Oh no...i'm going to start crying DURING a daughtry song...dang it...these african orphans are my kryptonite
ok...i didnt cry...mainly because i didnt watch...i can NOT let people know i cried during a daughtry song

OMG DVR SUCKS SUCKS didnt record the whole thing! DANG IT...this year SUCKS...where was the emotion from last year?!?!....

Ok...this concludes my commentary...and yeah...overall i give this Giving Back a C+....not enough music...bad artist choices ya go...2 posts in a day...3 in a week...i think i'm back



how cute is he!??!!?

Friday, April 04, 2008

CELEBRATION BLOG!!!! yes...this blog has essentially been dead for the past.....3 months...but please let me try to explain. first of the main reasons for my blogitation (hesitating to blog...for awhile) was that i was about to blog once...and i saw that it was going to be my 100th blog...and what i was going to write was i was like...i should hold off till somethimg cool happens. Then i hit this MAJOR slump of uncool stuff...and well...i'll explain this later...when i've had more than 10 hours of sleep in 5 days. i promise to blog this crazy month of my life....when i dont have to have the type on my computer be in size 30 to read it...

but heres the good news...I"M DONE WITH EVERYTHING!!!!! yay!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


i'm not a fan of snow right now. i got in a bit of an accident...ran into a snow bank...and had to have 3 cops and 4 men push the jeep out. it made me alittle scared of the snow and how crappy it can make my life.


i have reduced the credits....alot.


i hate that the writers strike is still going on. are they accomplishing anything? are the beyond the point of making a statement and just moving into the vietnam of television?


i cant wait for spring. i think i'm going to buy tulips and have flowers in my room for as long as i can. fresh flowers are so elegant! so refreshing! so better homes and gardens.


Saturday, January 12, 2008

this semester....


why am i taking 17 credits?
why am i taking my capstone when i'm not graduating?
why am i applying to another program?
why does it take so much effort to get to school?
why am i not used to being a student after 16 years?
why are mornings the worst time of day for me?
why do i fall asleep at 1...when i go to bed at 11?
why did i have to actually start becoming organized?


one week....i can make it one week