Sunday, January 28, 2007

i have recently acquired Guitar Hero...and when i say acquired i mean i stole it from my house with my dad yelling at me and accusing me of being the worst child ever and that he hopes someday i will wake up in the middle of the night and regret my actions for the past 20 years....i love you dad....really...thats sweet. now for alittle payback for this ridiculous accusation...
please notice the following things.... the choice of hard for his first time...and sister and i have annoying voices. but this is funny none the less.
rock this town poppa

on to the important matter...i will now be playing this non-stop...which is going to be quite hard to do considering i'm supposed to being going to class and keeping up with my 20+ hour tv addiction. but no worries...i'll learn how to manage this new load. if anyone would like to join...just let me know.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNY!!! Welcome to the world of non-boozin and non-gamblin!! ENJOY!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

these are why i want to be in this industry...and why i wish i was British

these ad's are amazing. i'm in love with them...and the people that came up with it. there are behind the scenes videos both ad's.

this one is the most recent...

paint gone wild in scotland


what 170,000 bouncy balls look like

*warning...these can only be played on quicktime...and only be viewed with awesomeness


Monday, January 01, 2007

quote to ring in 2007

(we played poker to ring in the new year...nothin says family bonding like poker)

Dad: SHOW ME YOUR ACE!!! (to my mom)

everyone else....lost it completely...had to put the game on hold

on a side note...did anyone else notice that carson daly looks younger now than he did 10 years ago??