Saturday, October 28, 2006

nothing nothing nothing

i have absolutely nothing to say....i'm lame...and not funny...and nothing exciting is going to happen to me for a long long long time. wow...i'm really pathetic

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Now thats Fierce

Someone doubted me on this....and therefore I must now prove it.



Monday, October 23, 2006

newer news!!!!

I GOT IN!! The comms dept changed their minds! they can't live without me!!! YAY!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006


i didnt get in to the ad program

this is sad

so today...i'm half brain dead...which really isnt more than usual...but moving on...i took a grey's anatomy quiz online...just to see how much of a loser i am...and i got 100%! The last time i got 100% on anything was in 5th grade when i took a spelling test ...i got my name on a poster and a poc (piece of candy). its times like this i my life really going anywhere or am i just preparing myself to become a tv/movie reviewer...which right now...sounds like the worlds coolest job. THINK OF THE POPCORN!?!!
unconsciously yours,


Dear Comms Professors,
Seriously? You profess how important it is to meet a deadline...and then you make me suffer 2 extra weeks? I'm running out of shampoo, i have a hole in my stomach, and today for the first time in my life i didnt give 1000% in there! OK...get into that room and either accept me or drop me. Either i'm in or i'm out. I put in long hours, and sleep less than a newborn child. Help me!
Sincerly yours,
Michon Carrasco (mi-sh-on car-ras-co)
p.s. please dont be mad at me for writing this, and please please please let me in.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

and it rained

i forgot my umbrella today, ok i didnt forget trusty tower of london umbrella died on's skirt flew up and that was the end of that story. i was like...well i cant rain tha tmuch i'll be ok...WRONG. i look like ive just taken a shower, my not so waterproof mascara is all down this face and shoes were not the best option...but they're so cute! to towel dry and pump out the end of this paper...god bless

Sunday, October 15, 2006

This Week

Ever felt like something was going to happen...not sure if its going to be good or bad...but i got that feeling. Creepy

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Alittle game i like to play

ok readers...if there are any left...i havent blogged in awhile and its purely because i got my app in and have realized how far behind i am in everything else...including alas i've been trying to catch up. so heres a little game for you to play...6 truths and 2 which is the lie...or add a truth or lie you feel i've missed
--added 4 new shows to my tv watching list
--changed jobs
--cut my hair(its not the best look...but definately better than the bob and bangs of 96)
--recieved an actual email from JJ Redick
--became a member of the gold star club at costco
--had a conversation with a certain employee of a gas station about hooking up after a concert
--hit a
--bought cinderella story on dvd

happy hunting