Monday, July 14, 2008

major blow to the ego

some of you may know my ability to be ambidextrous.

well...i've been fairly successful with training myself to be multi-tasky...well tonight during my nightly ritual of washing my face then brushing my teeth i tried to brush my teeth with my left hand because i have a freakin wicked blister on my right thumb...and i'm telling you...i cant do it. brushing my teeth with the LEFT hand that is...not just brushing my teeth in general. this "change up" just threw me off so much that i was willing to sacrifice the pain just to get these pearly whites minty fresh.

i'm so disappointed in myself.

i think i'll go eat an otter pop just to make myself feel better.
(my current favorite flave is strong it burns)


Lauren said...

ok so i totally know what you mean about using the left hand to brush.. it just doesnt leave the usual clean feeling!

ps - i dont like the grape ones, just another reason why we should live together!

Logan Tanner said...

Brushing your teeth is way overrated. Kick up your feet, hit the sheets and turn the TV Neecy Nash on Clean House! I dont have time to brush when she's on.

jenny said...

come on. we both know you're not ambidextrous.

Logan Tanner said...

Otter Pops are laced with small traces of arsenic.

Logan Tanner said...

New post! New post!