Saturday, November 29, 2008

maybe because i'm sick...or maybe because it's my FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR!!!!

but i feel like blogging right now. i'm not sure what i want to say...but i know many have stopped reading. I really have no good excuse...all i got is that i'm so freakin busy, and i spend so much of my time writing/thinking of new stuff i just feel so boring in my own life. But now that thanksgiving is over...its hitting me that winter is here, which means ALL my favorite things in the world are starting. Christmas season is really just magical to me...i promise you that i'm 75% more likely to be happy around this time of year as opposed to cranky and tired. Maybe its because there are christmas lights everywhere, or that i can close every conversation with a store clerk with "Merry Christmas" but i'm just a happier person for the next 31 days! And i'm actually looking forward to my birthday (the 26th if all 3 of you forgot...doubtful though since i sent out texts) for a while lately i've been dreading my birthday this year because i really didnt think i'd ever be 23...weird yes i know but i'm not really a "think ahead kind of person"

Well...this is all i can do for nighttime sudafed is now kicking 3:32 am...but know that i'm going to make a better effort to blog...please bear with me!



jenny said...

Oh I still read. I'm faithful. Hope you feel better. Let me know if I can help!

Logan Tanner said...

Happy Holidays...last month.