Thursday, December 27, 2007

THE BLOG--The 5 Year Letter is my christmas present to you all...
The Set Up: My Dear Aunt Cheryl had us write a letter to ourselves...5 years into the future. i was 17 at the time. I'm now 22. Here is the letter in its entirety...

(before i even open it up...i wrote on the fold..."Whats up!?!?! are you married?"

Dear Future Michon,
I really hope you are passing school.And if your not, please tell me you have a family. You have a handsome husband and (future) beautiful children. I hope i am happier than i've ever been and have accomplished many goals. I hope you've traveled the world, fallen in love, and been to Africa. Hopefully you are planning on Law School or something in politics. You are strong. Have no regrets. Live life fully. Know who you are. Stay close to your family and keep skiing. Live in Sun Valley!I hope you have large amounts of friends. Is casey married? what college(s) did you go to? Did Duke ever accept you? Semester in Oxford. Have fun! love everyone and be a nicer person.

Present Day Michon

ok...i dont really know what to say now...because there are so many things wrong with me...mock at will...this is my present to you.

p.s. casey IS married.
p.p.s. my favorite line is bolded
p.p.p.s. i was writing this in YW...hence the random inspirational quotes/peptalk speek
p.p.p.p.s. be kind.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


OK...this is NOT the big blog i'm going to give you guys for christmas...but here is DAD BLOG #2...

Tonight I was going to make a christmas cd for my gma...and my dad is like...WAIT! Go look on my itunes and see the christmas stuff i have...i have good stuff...

As i look scanning through normal Bing, Ella, and Nat King i found this...


This is the Now Thats What I Call Christmas 3...Ne-yo...Rihanna...Pussycat Dolls...
This is a present in itself...i've never laughed so hard in my life

you cant dream up stuff like this. Now i think you should all look at your dad's itunes and see if Kanye or P.Diddy is on there...

Friday, December 21, 2007

dear reader(s?)

i have a great blog for you. honestly. its probably going to be my best.

just give me time. its a very emotionally draining blog. and seeing as its 1:44 am and i'm just now starting to study for my final may take a few days for this one to come out. but it will. trust me. it will.

Monday, December 03, 2007

dad quote #1

i've been around my dad alot lately...more so than i ever have been in the past 3 years...and let me tell you something...he is friggin hilarious. i mean seriously...tonight i realized i need to start documenting what he says.

a couple days ago my dad informed my mom and i he bought non-alcoholic champagne...which would be great...if any of us liked it...he then said
"What...its good...i like it...thats why i bought 12 bottles"
(my mom then yelled 12 BOTTLES!!!! about 15 times in the next 4 minutes)
is it possible to be a non-alcoholic alcoholic???

and tonights quote...
"sometimes i wonder if there is any justice in the world"
(he then said that this statement came after New England beat Baltimore in the last minute of the game... not after some great emotional soul searching trial)

needless to say...this is extremely entertaining
love you dad.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

fakesgiving to snow been awhile...BUT...i'll do a quick recap


FAKESGIVING 2007 WAS A HUGE FREAKING SUCCESS!!!! really was the best yet...i cant wait till next year...or Fakes-mas...fakes navidad?....basically...i need suggestions from my very limited readership...but i believe you are the most creative bunch!!


i've become the most stressed of my life....i really honestly had no idea i could ever be this stressed...and eat this little...if it wasn't for thanksgiving week...i might have died


the lack of snow on thanksgiving made me seriously depressed...but alas...the snow gods picked up on now....THERES 6 INCHES OUTSIDE!!! thank you snow knew i needed this...
i know some of you hate snow...but honestly...snow makes me beyond happy...i cant wait for the first night snowfall where the best moments happen...that perfect quietness that so many of you think i'm nuts for loving


this writers strike has beyond ruined my life...and i'm only being mildly dramatic


i love space heaters and hot tea....2 things i've forgotten how much i love till recently


christmas in 24 days
my birthday is in 25

Monday, November 12, 2007

dear brimhall building

i hate that i was there for 10 hours today...10 hours...since when did i become dedicated? last time i dedicated myself to was Heroes...for 27 hours...clearly my priorities are aligned correctly.



Saturday, November 10, 2007


i was recently told that i'm basically never going to graduate this year...or even next a BYU counselor. She literally had me in tears...thanks BYU...really...way to make a poor girl feel like i've been wasting my time.


i really didn't think things would get worse

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

how youtube makes my day

its been a bad i sought solace in youtube. bless it. bless it everyone.

#3- she would kick my @$$

#2- neglecting my relationships

#1-i hope i'm this funny when i'm 88


Its second favorite month!!




"I'm going to marry some poor sap. He's going to eat marshmallow mateys and he's never going to get any"


Good Night and Good Luck

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

didn't i kill you? didnt take.


i'm in love with the following men...

Peter Petrelli

now i realize...these guys are basically mortal enemies...but did i not get into this show earlier...i mean seriously...

this show has moved above LOST 24 and almost more than Grey's...seriously...its that good...correction...that AMAZING

Sunday, October 21, 2007

"i really need to find that sword"

ok....i'm writing this during the mini break i'm taking from heroes...this show is blowing my mind. OMG. i hate you chris for doing this. and i also hate kristen bell for being so amazingly KICK A that i've sucked in everyone at 309 to catch up by monday 8 pm. technically we have 8 till end of S1...then 4 of S2.

P.S. i'd also like to thank the've graciously provided me with a reason so stay in all weekend.

p.p.s. this weekend has probably been one of the greatest...please see Kristin's blog for the numba 1 reason why it's kick a....then rent season 1 of Heroes to get in on the #2 reason

p.p.p.s. sara bareilles and i are like bff's COOOOOL is that

p.p.p.p.s. its 430 am...and i'm thinking i only need about 6 hours of sleep till i need to see peter petrelli again...ya know...the new love of my life...or maybe isaac....or hiro...but mos def not Nathan or hours ago i didn't even know if i would like this show...

Friday, October 05, 2007

this in no way is the beginning...well the real beginning promised i am going to blog about the new fall line up...but...i do want to make the claim that i am totally and completely not 100% sure this is how i definitely feel about these shows...but...for right now...this is how its going to be. I will give the run down by day....because its easier for me to keep track this way. To make things a bit easier...returning favorites will be in italics and new shows will be bolded so as to get your attention quicker and make you want to watch them more...So...without further adeau? adue? adew?

CHUCK...this show has so many things going for the "Nerd Herd"...captain awesome....and a bit of sci fi/alias thing going. The side kick guy is also worth a good laugh
THE HILLS: this show just recently "ended" but o.m.g. i can't wait for the next season. how great was the moment when the camera pans to lauren after she finds out jason is engaged at that totally lame kegger?! not to mention the throw down on the patio...mtv knows to get that drama in such a classy way
Life of Ryan: he may be 16 and a skater...but...yeah i dont know why i like this show...but i do

BONES: ok...this isn't a "new" show to alot of people...but my mom has recently taken it upon herself to buy all tv shows in dvd form...which i LOVE...and we gave this show a chance and i like it...kinda get grossed out...but not enough that i cant handle. plus...any show thats willing to go up against Cavemen i'm going to support....i hope that show burns...quickly.
The Unit: this show has noel in a buzz. i don't really feel the need to give more reasons...but ok fine i will...prez. palmer is a kick a black op's team leader...2 great great reasons
BOSTON LEGAL: i love this show...i've loved it since the beginning. the Shat still has it...if you've never seen this show...please contact me quickly and i will arrange for you to watch seasons 1 and one ep the Shat literally blows a fish up with a shot gun...i cried laughing...and so did my dad

PUSHING DAISIES: I LOVE THIS SHOW. I'm not even kidding...this perfect. please watch it. please!
America's Next Top Model: the second half of this show is why i keep watching it cycle after cycle...tyra tries so hard...and creates perfect unintentional comedy..."i have one photo in my hand...and there are 2 incredibly alike shallow girls standing infront of me who come from basically the same background filled with stories of misfortune and dramatics" keep goin girl...i hope that i get to watch cycle 26 with my own teenagers...
GOSSIP GIRL: this show is the new OC...and all of you out there that are truly beginning to feel that hole in your heart widen as a fall without the atwood right hook begins....just flip on over to cw and enjoy the life of the upper east siders
**there might be some other shows on tonight that i'm giving serious consideration...private practice is an example of this "bubble" show...apparently its getting better...but in all honestly...i'm holding on to it because of Joe Hackett.**

--THURSDAY--THE BIG NIGHT-- all know them...but here we go
GREY'S ANATOMY: really...i dont know how to explain this show and what it means to me...but i'm just glad it has given me an opprotunity to text my mom a phrase somewhere along the lines of "meridiths ho bag sister" thanks shonda...that made my week
THE OFFICE: i dont want to be a fake sister and take all your jeans...i dont want garbage...i want SPRINKLES! this show continues to make me laugh at things i never thought i could
UGLY BETTY: damn you maddi...i'm hooked and cant get enough of it.....i L-O-V-E Betty

ok...this is all i can do for now...but there is a run down...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Private Practice...Dirty Sexy Money...You're OUT

ok...most of you(all 5) knew how excited i was about having a good Wednesday night line up....and i'm seriously upset to report...PRIVATE PRACTICE SUCKS HARDCORE....and Dirty Sexy Money...a show with so much potential from the title...was also a major disappointment!. Addison...take some advice from a serious tv watcher...BEG SHONDA TO TAKE YOU BACK! Seattle Grace NEEDS YOU!
ok..this is all i can do for right now....

ok actually NO i'm not done...WHO do they think they are switching characters?! hello...i'm not dumb...i'm going to notice if you switch one actress for another....i.e. Naomi(Alias version) and Naomi(no idea where you came from but go back) version.

thats ridiculous. i'm upset...insulted maybe.

ok...i'm done.

actually ok one more thing....

DAN RATHER MAKING A CAMEO ON DSM!??!?!!? WTF....not cool. got kicked off the news for a reason...give it up. and never...ever....ever...made a 30 second spot on a crappy over hyped over budgeted primetime bomb.

alright...i'm actually done for now. But do expect me to blog about the shows for fall.

Friday, September 21, 2007

"change it up!!!" mackay had it right...its time to change it up. get a new team out there. not look so tired.
yes...i'm referring my blog to the mighty ducks. those that don't understand...the team is my tired pathetic posts. I promise to throw the old ideas in the "fire in a barrel" and come out the gordon bombay that all of Minnesota pee-wee hockey knows and loves. quack quack quack. oh and are my Jan(not hans don't get me started with that strudel head! He went back to the old country. He wanted to see our mother. She loved him more, you know!")

*no i'm not crazy...i've just reached a whole new level of tired

Sunday, September 16, 2007


these are the songs that i just cant seem to get sick of yet...
Me Love
Beautiful Girls
Take You There
--Yes...i know they are all Sean Kingston--
Way I Are--Timba
Sorry, Blame it On Me--Akon
and the one on the most repeated cycle...

heres to hoping i find new songs...

Saturday, September 08, 2007


dear readership,
i havent blogged in the blongest time.
So sorry.

god bless,

Friday, August 31, 2007


there are alot of things i love that i was without for 3 months...i love my bed. and my couch. and my basement. i can not believe i went so long without them.....but most of all....i love my dog. many of you have ripped on him but you truly do not understand how awesome he is. this blog is dedicated to the little guy!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

all the things i cant do

so i have lost my right shoulder for the next couple of days...weeks...who knows how long. and i don't think i ever realized how much i use this appendage!!!
today i have noticed all these things i use my right arm for that i now won't be able to do without pain for alittle while...
get cereal from the cabinet
open doors normally
put my seat belt on
brush my teeth
put on a sweatshirt
type (this is all left handed...which is why this is the longest post ever)
change the channel on the tv (which i am now soooo grateful for)
ok...this might not be making alot of sense seeing as i may be taking alot of medications to numb this...but yeah...i use my right arm/shoulder alot and i miss doing things normally. hope you all are enjoying using your right arm.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


today for the first time in three months i....
watched tv
ate at a kitchen table
had a bed to myself
used reliable internet
didn't turn on the ac
drove a car
parked a car in a parking lot
wandered costco
got FREE samples of food
went to Rumbi Island Grill
had a home cooked meal
emptied a dishwasher
got a coke from a gas station
didn't get yelled at by a homeless man

over all...good day

Sunday, August 19, 2007


went to the moma. my nyc summer is complete. oh. saw hairspray. it was amazing...all i'd hoped for...and so so so much john travolta in drag more.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


so...i'm done with work in 3 days. back to utah in 10 days. and i havent been to the MoMA yet. I suck.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

just cuz

so...i'm not dead. I'm just really really REALLY bad at blogging ok? I spend 8 hours a day in the internet/computer and the thought of blogging when i get home is kinda rough. so sorry. be mad...or just stop all 5 of you did.
I am horrible at retelling stories, journaling, or even thinking about past experiences. If you don't believe me just ask maddi or my mom...i dont remember entire week long vacations. all in all...i'm good. NYC is cool. Makin thunder all day rocks. Shopping is amazing. Food is even better. And my feet hate me.
If i took pictures i would insert them below this line:
[ ]
[ ]

sorry people...if you ask...or i dont me...i'd be happy to tell you something. but until i hear justin singing what goes around comes around you're going to just have to hear through a friend of a friend what i'm up to.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I've been in NYC for 7 days...2 of them on my own...and so far I'm ok! Ive done some really cool stuff...of which i'm about to tell you.
1) woke up early and went and saw maroon 5 play for the today show! Izzy from Grey's was also there...umm...COOL
2) Went to a cool breakfast place called Kitchenette where the tables were old doors that had been cut down and painted in cute pastel colors and the food was too good!
3) Waited in line for an HOUR to go on the USS Wasp...where i saw several Navy and Marine men that were more exciting to look at then the gigantic tanks and guns they were around. One of them even invited to go to the bars...but we declined

I dont have much time...but these are the main highlights since my mom left me
4 days till I can move into the apt! YAY BROOKLYN

Monday, May 21, 2007


I'm leaving tomorrow...oh. my.gosh.

Friday, May 11, 2007

cool picture

In 11 days I'm leaving. So I've decided that i should just keep posting pictures i find when i do random google image searches when i get a bit nervous...or excited...usually its when i'm nervous

this one is cool because its old...

Friday, February 23, 2007

alphabetical reasons why i'm in a bad mood...and things suck

a. having a crappy day
b. not being able to get over said crappy day
c. painful bruises on my body
d. the sickness i feel coming
e. headaches
g. O.C. finale....that was just plain awful
h. the smell in my apt...i dont think i can eat chicken for awhile
i. wanting to go to bed...or just take a nap and not being able to
j. not being able to hang out with phil and nicole...i miss them...
k. there is more snow to come
l. aziness
m.i.c.k.e.y....m.o.u.s.e(sing along with mickey mouse club farewell)....oh wait...he doesnt suck
n. having cold feet
o. duke is ranked lower than BYU...cmon boys...
p. my mouse doesnt work
q. this list

i need sleep...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

chips and sallllsa

ok...i know this is going to be super short and whatever but i just want people to know how much i love chips and is totally moving its was up my ultimate favorite list...other things on this list include
-homemade butterscotch chocolate frozen pudding(i dont think this is the exact title but it was the best dessert ive ever had in my life and for the rest of my life i will always consider that the best)
-totally awesome special k/chocolate shavings Portuguese words words
-The Pie pizza....its my favorite...from everyplace ive ever been...and that includes NYC
-Grilled Cheese...there really isnt one specific sandwich that is the best...but burger supreme makes a really good one, like really good
-Mongolian BBQ..most of you know my love for this place...and maddi i know right now you're crying alittle bit...but its ok next year we'll go to stgeorge atleast every other month
-and lastly..Diet Coke...theres nothin better than a good coke from the fountain...cant get enough...i'm positive that if i gave this stuff up i'd be physically sick....oh wait...tried that...i did...that settles coke for life!

this is quite a weird blog and i'm sorry about that but K has been so freakin good about blogging that i feel like a huge in honour of her...i'm going to make a serious effort!

with love-mich

Sunday, January 28, 2007

i have recently acquired Guitar Hero...and when i say acquired i mean i stole it from my house with my dad yelling at me and accusing me of being the worst child ever and that he hopes someday i will wake up in the middle of the night and regret my actions for the past 20 years....i love you dad....really...thats sweet. now for alittle payback for this ridiculous accusation...
please notice the following things.... the choice of hard for his first time...and sister and i have annoying voices. but this is funny none the less.
rock this town poppa

on to the important matter...i will now be playing this non-stop...which is going to be quite hard to do considering i'm supposed to being going to class and keeping up with my 20+ hour tv addiction. but no worries...i'll learn how to manage this new load. if anyone would like to join...just let me know.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNY!!! Welcome to the world of non-boozin and non-gamblin!! ENJOY!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

these are why i want to be in this industry...and why i wish i was British

these ad's are amazing. i'm in love with them...and the people that came up with it. there are behind the scenes videos both ad's.

this one is the most recent...

paint gone wild in scotland


what 170,000 bouncy balls look like

*warning...these can only be played on quicktime...and only be viewed with awesomeness


Monday, January 01, 2007

quote to ring in 2007

(we played poker to ring in the new year...nothin says family bonding like poker)

Dad: SHOW ME YOUR ACE!!! (to my mom)

everyone else....lost it completely...had to put the game on hold

on a side note...did anyone else notice that carson daly looks younger now than he did 10 years ago??