Tuesday, October 23, 2007

didn't i kill you? didnt take.


i'm in love with the following men...

Peter Petrelli

now i realize...these guys are basically mortal enemies...but DAMN...how did i not get into this show earlier...i mean seriously...

this show has moved above LOST 24 and almost more than Grey's...seriously...its that good...correction...that AMAZING


jenny said...

You stole my man. Now I'm going to steal something of yours. And I'm not talking about your precious lotion.

Kristin said...

ugh, grey's sucks. HEROES RULES

Kristin said...

i want to go skinny dipping in his eyes

Unknown said...

oh jenny...calm down. they're no ones...and none of this stealing crap...

ashley said...

don't worry guys--Heroes Season 1 is next on my queue on Blockbuster online. This weekend I'm watching the whole thing so I no longer feel so left out!!

Karim said...

Okay, I heard you talking about Hereoes before. I feel like I need to watch it. Did you know that that first guy and Hayden Panetierre are dating? Yah, he's 30 and she's 18...

Karim said...

and by "Hereoes" I mean "Heroes"

bradget said...

FINE! You've all sucked me in... I'm getting every episode from the "Foote Rental" (aka Anthony's computer) this weekend after I'm done watching both seasons of How I Met Your Mother twice.