Thursday, June 28, 2007

just cuz

so...i'm not dead. I'm just really really REALLY bad at blogging ok? I spend 8 hours a day in the internet/computer and the thought of blogging when i get home is kinda rough. so sorry. be mad...or just stop all 5 of you did.
I am horrible at retelling stories, journaling, or even thinking about past experiences. If you don't believe me just ask maddi or my mom...i dont remember entire week long vacations. all in all...i'm good. NYC is cool. Makin thunder all day rocks. Shopping is amazing. Food is even better. And my feet hate me.
If i took pictures i would insert them below this line:
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sorry people...if you ask...or i dont me...i'd be happy to tell you something. but until i hear justin singing what goes around comes around you're going to just have to hear through a friend of a friend what i'm up to.


Annalise said...

Geeze, harsh. If you don't want to blog, why do you have one?

jenny said...

Very incoherent. Keep it coming.