Wednesday, February 15, 2006

i just want your brain...


OH MAN...what a difference GOOD MUSAK makes!!! Today was an AMAZING shuffle day. for all of you wondering about the lifesupport on my ipod...its in the IICU (ipod intensive care unit...aka has to always be plugged into a power source) Its basically looking at the appley gates. BUT in its last days it is playing some AWESOME KICK A NO DOUBT ABOUT IT CONNECTED WITH MY MUSICAL NEEDS SONGS. FOR THAT I WILL ALWAYS LOVE MY LITTLE "IP" i feel so sad that i never named it. i name almost everything! IM SORRY! but played old school r&b...sweet aerosmith, U2, CLASSIC RAP and artists that i am ashamed that i forgot how awesome they were...some will remain nameless because i fear that i will be mocked for all time and eternity but...JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE love the Justified and cant wait for the sophmore album...Stephens CMC Mix, i know this isnt a single artist but its one of the best cd's ive ever had made for me...and if anyone makes a better one then i will bow down to ya. cause i love that mix its got everything! JEM...i dont like many...but Closer and 24 are and then there are so many songs that i dont know who even sings them but they're on the "drive to high school at 630 am songs that seriously make me have those flashback moments where its totally out of body and i'm cruising down 15th with the sunroof open and mat and i are jammin!! (sorry for all the people here who have never been to my hood in btown...its a sweet place)
moving on...tonight i learned about gazoogle?! could i have missed this!!?? thanks alot people...dont assume i can just clue into all these things! i know very little in the grand scheme of life! and i'm so glad my comments are funny when theyve been izzlefied...thanks for making me feel so lame normally.
i'd also like to give a shout out to the olympics...there are some sweet athletes out there...and then there are many that are NOT livin up to the hype...BODE...Jeremy(i know you're a pretty face but come on!! produce!) but i've gained a new appreciation for how awesome speed skating is...i'm addicted...also ski my next life i want to be strapped to 11 foot long sticks and sent down an icy ramp of death praying that my skis dont cross and i land in a sweet kneeling to be knighted position 104 meters down the missed my calling in life! props to all insane people who do that...
at this moment i'm realizing that i have said nothing cool in this blog and am clearly only blogging to please a certain reader who can name u2 songs in .45 seconds flat...

i suck at this! something awesome needs to happen to me...anyone up for a road trip next weekend??? i need inspiration

p.s. lost was good

k~this is my quilt...its the best pic i got but it kinda gives you an idea of how awful of a child i am to make my mom do that...but i did cut out all 500 leaves and 100 flowers


Becoming Supersonic said...

That is one amazing quilt! Someday I will be that kick-a at quilting. Man, I too listened to some sweet tunes on my way to good old Plano Senior High School. I think that if I were to come back as an Olympic athlete I would want to be a snowboarder. Those cats are so cool...but if I started doing crap like that now I would just look like a poser. This is why we should start believing in reincarnation. Just a thought. Good blogging.

Anonymous said...

I need a picture of the quilt to go in my hall of fame, please send me one. Just remember someday the songs you listen to now your kids will like (really) Glad the ipod isn't DOA yet.

jenny said...

niiiiiice blogging. your quilt is so pretty! i wish i could sew. i cant even sew on a frikin button. my poor children.. :(