Friday, April 21, 2006

no, my dog is not on crack...

now...some may think that these pictures have two different dogs...and some may say that my dog is on crack...and he may have a collapsed trachea and sound like a barn yard animal but he's my dog! and he's been with me from the beginning...ok if you count 5th grade as the beginning. i brought him to show and tell when he was a tiny puppy and i brought him for show and tell last night...not the same welcome...someone thought he spoke polish.... Needless to say this morning went fairly well...i think i slept about 4 hours...and now i'm going to go back to bed...this is all...good morning and good luck


Becoming Supersonic said...

I think your dog is a cutie. And he must be pretty smart if he can speak Polish.

jenny said...

hahah I LOVE YOUR DOG! He knows POLISH FOR CRYING OUTLOUD! And since when is being on crack a bad thing? just kidding. Honestly, I love your dog. Yes come to Texas in May. YES YES YES.