Tuesday, June 06, 2006

kleenex part duex

alright so I"M SORRY I SUCK I AM REALLY NOT A GOOD SUMMER BLOGGER AND BASICALLY I AM TOTALLY ABSENT MINDED...oh, and i'm sick..in the summer why does this happen....every fricken summer. I'm not kidding...this always happens. And basically i think that my immune system should buck up and stop wimping out on me when i need it most! lame. Also...due to this sickness i have watched a very ridiculous amount of tv dvd's. Ive watched ummm 8 episodes of Boston Legal (if you havent seen it...go right now and find some episode of this show...season 1 of it is on dvd...kinda expensive but so totally worth it due to the fact that william shatner "the shat" is so funny and out of control and the rest of the cast...so not kidding about this) i've also watched 12 episodes of Wing's...do you remember this show!? DO YOU!!!??? you must...man...this show came out when i was little and here i am now...20 and i'm totally in love with it...Brian...wow...hilarious and oddly hot in hawaiian shirts. OK and finally Felicity...K this was so not a good idea to give me during spring semester. I'm on disk 4...its 2 am and i'm probably not going to sleep till late because the combo of Diet Coke and Sudafed is totally ridiculous. i've got a big test tomorrow...well today...and ya screwed cause its a test over thinking quick on your feet...crap well felicity just got proposed to by javier and ya...its making me laugh...really really hard...night


jenny said...

I must say you've chosen EXCELLENT DVDS. I have been known to tivo the Wings that come on at 3 am.. and watched the whole series of felicity my sophomore year. So, enjoy. PS- are you a noel or ben girl? PPS- duke orsina is in a new film, "Step up" ... google it or something. You'll thank me.

Becoming Supersonic said...

Finally! Thank goodness your immune system sucks, otherwise I'm sure you would have NEVER blogged. I agree with j-cup, good shows! Hope you feel better.