Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Private Practice...Dirty Sexy Money...You're OUT

ok...most of you(all 5) knew how excited i was about having a good Wednesday night line up....and i'm seriously upset to report...PRIVATE PRACTICE SUCKS HARDCORE....and Dirty Sexy Money...a show with so much potential from the title...was also a major disappointment!. Addison...take some advice from a serious tv watcher...BEG SHONDA TO TAKE YOU BACK! Seattle Grace NEEDS YOU!
ok..this is all i can do for right now....

ok actually NO i'm not done...WHO do they think they are switching characters?! hello...i'm not dumb...i'm going to notice if you switch one actress for another....i.e. Naomi(Alias version) and Naomi(no idea where you came from but go back) version.

thats ridiculous. i'm upset...insulted maybe.

ok...i'm done.

actually ok one more thing....

DAN RATHER MAKING A CAMEO ON DSM!??!?!!? WTF....not cool. got kicked off the news for a reason...give it up. and never...ever....ever...made a 30 second spot on a crappy over hyped over budgeted primetime bomb.

alright...i'm actually done for now. But do expect me to blog about the shows for fall.


Anonymous said...

I agree completely about PP and DSM
I was really disappointed with PP and have taken DSM off the DVR.I'm looking forward to Grey's tonight, it better be good. Dad's "Unit" was good too, we kept it for you. Have a good day. :-)

Unknown said...

At least Thursday is now THE night of the week! I am so sick of reruns!

b said...

I told you to come to the show....

Becoming Supersonic said...

Wow! Looks like I'm not missing anything.

jenny said...

Naomi(no idea where you came from but go back) version.


Kristi Harrison said...

did you watch private practice tonight? it has a little potential. ( i can't believe I just said that)