Friday, September 21, 2007

"change it up!!!" mackay had it right...its time to change it up. get a new team out there. not look so tired.
yes...i'm referring my blog to the mighty ducks. those that don't understand...the team is my tired pathetic posts. I promise to throw the old ideas in the "fire in a barrel" and come out the gordon bombay that all of Minnesota pee-wee hockey knows and loves. quack quack quack. oh and are my Jan(not hans don't get me started with that strudel head! He went back to the old country. He wanted to see our mother. She loved him more, you know!")

*no i'm not crazy...i've just reached a whole new level of tired


jenny said...

K I'm really happty you blogged. Honest. I am. But I really have no idea what you are talking about here.

libby said...

but, like the mighty ducks you are going to succeed? in? the? end? i don't know about this. you're no joshua jackson. or that other guy