Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Finally Legal...

Legal...to do what i'm not quite sure....but i am jettin to Las Vegas in 12 hours....wooooo! Slots at the Belagio...21 at Caesars...awesome!! This is great family bonding!

Friday, December 22, 2006


NEWS FLASH--Went to two movies today and consumed half a pizza and a box of red vines--
NEWS FLASH--Night at the Museum sucks...The Good Shepard...GOOD...i'm so smart...i didnt get confused

good night...and good luck

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Its that time of year....

Well...its SNOW TIME....thats my favorite time of year. because when it starts snowing all my favorite memories come flooding into my head. seriously...the good things that happen in the snow stand out more than the bad. sure sliding off the road isnt so fun....butttt the laugh we had pushing my jeep around...ya...that was some good stuff. other good things are now all my favorite coats and scarves and hats are able to be shown off....i LOVE when i get to dress warm! PLUS....watching snow fall takes me to a whole different place...things get super quiet and all of the sudden you know you're in a different place and thinking about things isnt so hard
i love this...and i love that tonight at Denny's i gave a cute little family dinner at midnight because i realized that they needed it more than i did...this is not the time of year to be selfish...its the time to buy a kid a brownie sundae and let them know that ice cream for dinner is perfectly acceptable.
May all your memories this winter be filled with snow and happyness!

Friday, November 03, 2006


seriously! readership...I AM HURT!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

nothing nothing nothing

i have absolutely nothing to say....i'm lame...and not funny...and nothing exciting is going to happen to me for a long long long time. wow...i'm really pathetic

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Now thats Fierce

Someone doubted me on this....and therefore I must now prove it.




Monday, October 23, 2006

newer news!!!!

I GOT IN!! The comms dept changed their minds! they can't live without me!!! YAY!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006


i didnt get in to the ad program

this is sad

so today...i'm half brain dead...which really isnt more than usual...but moving on...i took a grey's anatomy quiz online...just to see how much of a loser i am...and i got 100%! The last time i got 100% on anything was in 5th grade when i took a spelling test ...i got my name on a poster and a poc (piece of candy). its times like this i wonder...is my life really going anywhere or am i just preparing myself to become a tv/movie reviewer...which right now...sounds like the worlds coolest job. THINK OF THE POPCORN!?!!
unconsciously yours,


Dear Comms Professors,
Seriously? You profess how important it is to meet a deadline...and then you make me suffer 2 extra weeks? I'm running out of shampoo, i have a hole in my stomach, and today for the first time in my life i didnt give 1000% in there! OK...get into that room and either accept me or drop me. Either i'm in or i'm out. I put in long hours, and sleep less than a newborn child. Help me!
Sincerly yours,
Michon Carrasco (mi-sh-on car-ras-co)
p.s. please dont be mad at me for writing this, and please please please let me in.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

and it rained

i forgot my umbrella today, ok i didnt forget it...my trusty tower of london umbrella died on me...it's skirt flew up and that was the end of that story. SO...today i was like...well i cant rain tha tmuch i'll be ok...WRONG. i look like ive just taken a shower, my not so waterproof mascara is all down this face and yes...my shoes were not the best option...but they're so cute! Alright...off to towel dry and pump out the end of this paper...god bless

Sunday, October 15, 2006

This Week

Ever felt like something was going to happen...not sure if its going to be good or bad...but i got that feeling. Creepy

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Alittle game i like to play

ok readers...if there are any left...i havent blogged in awhile and its purely because i got my app in and have realized how far behind i am in everything else...including sleeping...so alas i've been trying to catch up. so heres a little game for you to play...6 truths and 2 lies...post which is the lie...or add a truth or lie you feel i've missed
--added 4 new shows to my tv watching list
--changed jobs
--cut my hair(its not the best look...but definately better than the bob and bangs of 96)
--recieved an actual email from JJ Redick
--became a member of the gold star club at costco
--had a conversation with a certain employee of a gas station about hooking up after a concert
--hit a deer...family
--bought cinderella story on dvd

happy hunting

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

2 days people and i'm done

2 days and my application is in....which means that i will finally pay attention to my classes...sleep more than 3 hours a night and stop stressing myself out! Which also means i can fully dedicate myself to grey's office lost veronica mars gilmore girls top model studio 60 and men in trees....holy crap

Thursday, September 14, 2006

dear me

dear me,
get your ace on the ball...apply and then you will start sleeping! take care
god bless
your better half

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dear Bill

Dear Bill MacEnroe,
Thanks for playing some kick-a tennis. God bless.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

dear cosmo

dear cosmo,
I forgive you for sneaking up on me today and making me scream like a small child and then turn red with embarrassment.
p.s. writing a note with your paws does not qualify as an apology

ofiice depot...a place for addicts

some may know this...others might find this odd. I am totally in love with office supplies. Honestly i could spend hundreds of dollars on pens pencils binders paper anything that is supplied in office depot...NOT OFFICE MAX....i feel that office max is a pathetic attempt to fill the worlds needs in office equipment. anyways...i went there today partly because i needed cheering up and partly because i needed new stuff. And yes there are probably some people that feel that buying new stuff every year is wasteful...well people who feel this way dont have O.S.O.C.D. (office supply ocd) i like starting new...and well yes this is getting weird i know but well..i havent been sleeping well... So now i must make a quick list of items that are absolutely necessary--
--Sharpies- not just an ordinary marker...they are awesome...can write on anything plastic...paper... curly's hand...enough said
--3 subject notebooks...i have always felt that 2 subjects is enough but what the hell...i'll get a 3 subject notebook for a pink cover
--mechanical pencils....i like having options..although at this point ive got about 150...which probably qualifies me for a study of some mental kind
--pens...see reasons above
--binders...after much thought i stuck with the classic plain binders but i was oh so tempted to buy the ultra tricked out double binder zip around that could fit a small child and dinner for 3 people along with my homework...but hey i can't help it...in jr high your binder was your status symbol...i always had the most organized and well stocked one...i once supplied 15 people with pencils and still had more just in case...my teacher questioned my sanity...
anyways...i must go now to organize and reorganize my new desk.

Monday, August 28, 2006


theres are alot of reasons why i love my mom...but after last night a few came to mind...so obviously i'm going to make a list
1. she loves grey's
2. she now loves colbert
3. never tells me to go to bed early...she actually gets mad when i fall asleep before finishing a movie
4. always bought me sugary cereal
5. didnt get mad when i became a diet coke-aholic...

love ya mom...

today sucked...sorry the blogging sucks too

Friday, August 11, 2006

Duke Duke...what happened?

Step up...i got three words for you...Step it OUT... Tim Gunn would have said...."You didnt make it work...and now you must go home." But Miles was legit..i wanna mix master it up like him...i'd totally add the cello

ok it wasnt totally awful...but yet again i set my standards high...and i actually rooted for Skinny to get shot....sad

Duke you're still hot...and JJ you got nothin to worry about anymore

Thursday, August 10, 2006

if diet coke is a terror threat then fine..i'm a terrorist

ok...this post is short..but its basically me being pissed about todays events. 5 hours at the "Sea-Tac" airport...my lord if i have to hear another security notice i think i'll slit my wrists. so in kristi fashion i'm going to make a list of things that i'd rather do than stand in line for 4 hours
5. stand in line for a meer 60 minutes for splash mountain...then be in a log jam
4. watch jenny try on my shoes now cause her feet got anorexia
3. drink diet pepsi
2. watch "get over it"
1. go to my basement fridge and find that all my otter pops have been eaten except for a pink one...and then have to eat the pink otter pop while watching get over it

ya...i think thats a decent list

heres to looking forward to watching a movie that will define my generation...who the hell came up with that line????

Friday, July 28, 2006

the marathon is over...and August 22 is fast approaching

just finished out 3 day marathon of veronica mars season one...and people...as jenny is my witness...this show is well AMAZING. i love it...and buying season one just renewed my love. Logan all the way. if you dont know who i am referring to...rent and watch and then i'll accept thank yous. i know you may think i have too many shows on my plate...and well...i know! i know! i know! now i will give in to this cold i have a pass out for a day or two.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

does she have your number?...1 800 ______

fill it in people...or actually people who know me best...in light of the ridiculous quizzes popping up everywhere...ahemmmm j...k...j....ENOUGH is ENOUGH!
since i have been watching my favorite movie on repeat lately...the time has come....

please..enjoy...and then let me know when you want to watch...

p.s. boo puerto rico...greesy is out...and suggestion for next year...mic up santino and put that on another channel

Sunday, July 16, 2006

mac it up...

I have decided that since i took 250 pictures in portugal i should start randomly showing them. This is a cool picture i found on building in the middle of this historic part of lisbon. the coolest part was walking down the stairs and finding this... this is a elevator in the middle of lisbon built by the same guy that designed the eiffel tower...i love crazy portugese.
i am not in the blogging mood but i feel bad that i havent been inspired lately...not to mention being totally impressed with k's triple play. so...heres a quick summary of the weekend in a bit of list form
1. went golfing with the great jack nicklaus wanna be...my dad...and ya i was trying to gain some points but the golf course was right next to utah lake with boats...and i have decided that i need to go boating really soon...any takers?
2.Nordstrom Shoe Dept...YOU ARE ON NOTICE...cmon people...i am a huge shoe fan...i had 3 pairs in hand waiting for someone in a ridiculous polo to help..but alas i got passed up several times for girls with more bling than luda and had man-bags (boy friends who just carried their bags)...I'm alittle upset...i really really really wanted some shoes...it was a bad shopping week....
3. makeover night...fun times...good laughs..and khaki...your makeup job on kristi...quite frightening. But i'm just so happy that i could rock out to cheyenne. haha. that girl is goin places...in super cute clothes...and like k pointed out...born in 1990...wow...thats ridiculous.

Ok...so here i am now...at 1130..totally tired from my weekend of events but completely happy! Time to cozy up in my new quilt and watch mini-potter weasley and granger.
fare thee well readers...

ps SHES THE MAN COMES OUT ON TUESDAY...uh huh i will be watching it by 10 tuesday morning

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

tonight is the night

PROJECT RUNWAY NIGHT!!! I'm so excited words cant explain...Finally i can be off of pins and needles...thank you heidi...thank you micheal kors...and god bless Santino

Thursday, July 06, 2006

6 days till i'm off of pins and needles

project runway....6 days. and it was only 2 days ago that i was totally oblivious to what had been missing in my life. It all started with a little text to wish me well on july the fourth...and wham...there i was searching like a madwoman for bravo...by the way i'd like to thank my parents for having bravo on our cable network package...anyways...after a day a night and another night of project runway..there were tears...lots of ooo's and ahhh's about clothes i want and wishing i had my own personal stylist. moving along...basically i'm wishing desperately that i could tivo ahead my week till wednesday when the whole new season starts. Oh...and season one and two are on dvd...any wonder where my money is going to be blown? tv on dvd...what a brilliant concept

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


jet lag not cool it should be jet cant stop sleeping when your there and when you come home you wake up before the sun comes up lag...i have been up since 5...yes 5. for those who know me waking up before dawn....not something on my list of regular activities.
moving on...portugal was amazing. so totally awesome and fantastic and totally everything i would have hoped it would be like. that country is kick a and i'm going to put money down now that my dad will move there in 15 years. Since i've got a lot of shiz to do i will make a list and it will be titled...
1. The food is the best ive ever had in all my trips to europe....yes its better than italy.
2. sweet beaches with way cool rocks and cliffs

3. the hotel...pictures dont do it justice

4.being in portugal when portugal beat england...people there is no way to explain how awesome it was to be in the middle of a country wide party. i saw a 80 yr old gma hanging out of a car waving a flag and screaming....it was amazing...so amazing i'm sure a blog will be dedicated to it

5. the awesome histroy that portugal has and no one really knows...castles...sweet little towns...their own romeo juliet story...pink castles
6. they have giant windmills...like holland...but cooler
7. did i mention the food? seafood! AMAZING
8. Sintra...Obidos...awesome towns built around castles and sweet shopping

9. tiles! there are apartments, building, churches filled with hand painted tiles that are so amazing...i bought a tile that is 250 years old...250 years! holy crap thats older than this country
10. awesome weather that made it so pleasurable that we just had to keep walking around and shopping
11. the coasts...so pretty and cliffs!

12. kick A elevators in the middle of the city

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

i think i have a problem...well i know i have more than one

OK first off...let me get this out there...i'm bad luck for sports teams.
example 1. Duke...been watching since 2001...havent won a ncaa championship since...what does this mean...i'm JJ's kryptonite example 2. Phil Mickelson- the dude that plays golf...and has recently taken a serious dive.
example 3- the dallas mavericks- the one game i go to with J they lose...to the Jazz...i think thats enough proof...i'm not good luck.

Next topic...i have started crying about everything! Yes i may be alittle stressed about finals and packing and my future but last night while watching angelina jolie on anderson cooper i was full on bawling my eyes out. My sister came in and seriously thought there was something wrong...and when i tried to explain to her that i was crying about the stories about the people in africa she just started laughing at me and went and told my mom that the tv should be taken out of my room. and since last night every time i even think about the stuff i saw on tv last night i get that throat clenching eye burning feeling. Next...i cried when i saw the tiger woods commercial...yes i may have said i almost cried...well i lied...i cried. Next...went to the Lake House tonight with the mom and mat and ok...i cried 3 times. how many times did my mom or sister cry? NONE! I'm getting alittle worried about myself! i havent cried in awhile...and certainly havent bawled over what ive seen on cnn...EVER. Now i'm watching choclat...one of my favorites seen it about 50 times...and ya...i'm getting teary. is this a medical condition i have never heard about? am i not eating enough chocolat? Sorry that this is a weird blog but i feel guilty that i dont write much anymore.

P.s. D'wayne...wear a suit on letterman and quit sayin "was" before everythang. not to mention...you act like an idiot.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

ode to fathers...

aight..so this weekend was all about the papa. I went to a Bee's game...at which i decided that i was meant to be a music selector for baseball games...man i'd be kick A at that...the guy did an OK job...but there were some serious lulls. ok then saturday we went to midway and chilled at the homestead and i was my gpa's caddy for golf. It was fun but yet again...those carts need some serious redesigning. COOLERS!? RADIO? TV? ANYTHING! not to mention there should be a fan or somethin. But it was fun and i drank about 2 gallons of diet coke. Now its sunday and ive spent the past 5 hours watching golf and i'm way pissed cause phil mickelson lost and i spent an entire day rooting for him. LAME. not to mention watching golf on tv seriously is like putting yourself in a coma. Well happy fathers day...love ya dad...and yes i did cry when i saw the tiger woods commercial with his dad...how sad!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

kleenex part duex

alright so I"M SORRY I SUCK I AM REALLY NOT A GOOD SUMMER BLOGGER AND BASICALLY I AM TOTALLY ABSENT MINDED...oh, and i'm sick..in the summer why does this happen....every fricken summer. I'm not kidding...this always happens. And basically i think that my immune system should buck up and stop wimping out on me when i need it most! lame. Also...due to this sickness i have watched a very ridiculous amount of tv dvd's. Ive watched ummm 8 episodes of Boston Legal (if you havent seen it...go right now and find some episode of this show...season 1 of it is on dvd...kinda expensive but so totally worth it due to the fact that william shatner "the shat" is so funny and out of control and the rest of the cast...so not kidding about this) i've also watched 12 episodes of Wing's...do you remember this show!? DO YOU!!!??? you must...man...this show came out when i was little and here i am now...20 and i'm totally in love with it...Brian...wow...hilarious and oddly hot in hawaiian shirts. OK and finally Felicity...K this was so not a good idea to give me during spring semester. I'm on disk 4...its 2 am and i'm probably not going to sleep till late because the combo of Diet Coke and Sudafed is totally ridiculous. i've got a big test tomorrow...well today...and ya screwed cause its a test over thinking quick on your feet...crap well felicity just got proposed to by javier and ya...its making me laugh...really really hard...night

Monday, April 24, 2006


so...i'm randomly clicking on sites reaching for some form of entertainment which will push the thought of studying further out of my mind...and i get onto Dwight Schrute's blog...and wow...not only is it hilarious but he has 294 comments!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY!!?? i'll have that many comments in like 294 blogs...but 294 comments in 2 days...wow. i'm a loser...and i'm losing my mind because i'm actually jealous of a fictional characters blog comment capacity. It is time for bed....or a movie...but definately not studying.
heres to hoping that someday i reach the number 294...

Friday, April 21, 2006

no, my dog is not on crack...

now...some may think that these pictures have two different dogs...and some may say that my dog is on crack...and he may have a collapsed trachea and sound like a barn yard animal but he's my dog! and he's been with me from the beginning...ok if you count 5th grade as the beginning. i brought him to show and tell when he was a tiny puppy and i brought him for show and tell last night...not the same welcome...someone thought he spoke polish.... Needless to say this morning went fairly well...i think i slept about 4 hours...and now i'm going to go back to bed...this is all...good morning and good luck

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


so yesterday was bad. i'm still in shock of how bad it was. i know i gotta get over it and move on. This is why BYU needs to give us a spring break...kids lose it...i mean mentally...because we havent had a decent enough break to reset ourselves. I'm going to write a letter about how bad my day was and submit it to Cecil and see what he thinks.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

i apologize...seriously

ive gone underground for the past three days...and i'm sorry. my phone was hidden in my room and i just looked at it.
ALSO...bought season one of the office...all those times j and k were saying how funny it was...ya i was alittle doubtful...but when maddi and i bought it last night and started watching it...and couldnt stop watching it because we were laughing so hard that my asthma started up. ummm...the healthcare episode...wow...the alliance possibly my favorite...but the whole season together...amazing. BUT THE COMMENTARY...whole other show!! wow...ok i take it back i'm so sorry...this show is amazing...i would agree to jenny's statement that if stranded on a tropical island and couldnt only bring one tv show to watch it would be every possible episode of the office... thank you
its going to be a long night...wow...starting to hate ad's
i love jim
and michael
and dwight

Thursday, April 13, 2006

left leg well done...right leg medium rare...BLOG ON!!!

Ok...so after spending 48ish hours on my ad projects i decided to turn it in as soon as possible and take a sweet drive up my favorite canyon. and since it was such a nice day...and i had no desire to wear real clothes i threw on a pair of old soccer shorts and a BHS shirt and grabbed a sandwich from kneaders (its no blimpie but it worked out) visited the Chevy for the first of 3 visits today and rolled down the windows and opened up the sunroof and jammed to a new cd...combination of all my favorite songs from movies and or tv. and readership...random blogstalkers or whatever....TODAY WAS AWESOME....PROBABLY THE BEST AFTERNOON IVE HAD DRIVING IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! it was just me and my significant other...aka Jeepy. BUT heres the catch...while rockin out to good girl bad boy and other great songs i failed to remember my roots...the fair skin roots...and this is where the story gets interesting. ummm...i burned the top of my left leg...knee cap of my right leg and the top of my left arm. and since i really love drivin i have come up with a solution...buy a british car and tan the other side of my body. i'm thinkin a cute mini?? Red with a flag on top?or british green with a black and white checkered top? and then jeep will have a girly friend and i will have an even tan...really this benefits everyone who has to see me...i'm already weird looking but add in a summer driving tan and i might as well become a even more secluded person. Heh. Ok...so my very important lovely reader who knows how important an even tan is....sleep on it and let me know....i could possibly negotiate a schedule for the mini...maybe use it to transport nicky?
on to the nicky topic....he is going to have a sleep over at the apartamenta...woo hoo. it is now time to sleep...first time in days

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

ahh how 12 hours makes a difference...

just 12 hours after i wrote that i'm giving up the "juice" i have gotten back on the wagon. i have been in pain since sunday and apparently that is due to my body protesting the lack of daily caffine. i consulted my doctor (dr dad) and he said that going off the stuff cold turkey does more damage so really i'm just trying to protect my body from anything worse...sooooo...ya...apparently it is in my blood to have caffine going through it all the time. But i am going to reduce the intake...no more than 32 a day...and increase during finals and then taper off....on another note...spring trees are so pretty!i love them! i wish they looked like this all the time!

Monday, April 10, 2006

the count down to nothing begins....

this hilarious picture was provided by google...and yes...we're using it in our ad campaign. who ever this kid is...THANK YOU
Ok so ive got 2 weeks of class left...and week of finals and then nothing. cause i'm not done. why was i so stupid to think that adding a spring semester would be ok? I'm going to be going to school just as much as i am now...and yes this is factoring in my parking absences. i know i may be going alittle overboard on being depressed about not having summer start as early as some people...but man...alittle depressing. i guess i'm going to have to look forward to smacking little white balls with large clubs and taking mindless drives up provo canyon. this week is not going to be fun...call anytime readership for i shall need some contact with the outside world. and lastly...i have not had a single drop of the sacred juice in 3 days...THAT IS THE LONGEST IVE GONE IN MY WHOLE LIFE...the headache is bad...but i can do it. Apparently i will drop weight like star jones...hummm

Thursday, April 06, 2006

people who live in the library...scare me

ok, i have been spending some time in the library for the past few days...and i seriously think that some people live here. when one person takes up an entire table for 6??? alittle worried? so am i. now i know that the library is a great place for someone to study...but when kids have their favorite computers, leave their stuff on the table ALL day. ya i'm worried about them. dont you wonder if people sleep overnight in here? could that happen? this place is so big i'm sure there are places to hide like the chick on greys anatomy but wow. Ok, i know this blog isnt about windsor...but i just dont have time to do the map justice and i want to do this right. ok...utah weather sucks.

Happy Birthday to M1 tomorrow...aka my Momma...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

i got to got to catch my blog....

UMMM today was awesome! not only did i finally accomplish something BUT i got to see my favorite movie...again...ya. i'd also like to close this Basketball Season(aka JJ lovefest) with total admiration for my favorite athlete. He is PLAYER OF THE YEAR...ahhh if only i could meet him. now he will slip away into obscurity. the NBA better be kind to him. Moving on...i was just looking through my pictures and realized i lost the one illegal picture i took while exiting splash mountain during the log jam (jenny stop giggling...its not that funny of a phrase...ok hehe yes it is)
Now i will recite some of my favorite quotes...in list form
5. (while holding up a hand and counting out 5 seconds) its not just a stupid soccer issue...and you're a jerk...oh looky there times up! SLAP!! haha ok maybe its more of a video clip other than a quote but replaying it in my head...funny
4. you haven't done that? oh my gosh...beckham does it all the time...yes
3. i'm a dude...i'm a hunky dude...i'm a bad ass hunky dude ( i got to got to catch my breath playin in the background. JUNIOR SENIOR- good girl/bad boy...itunes...NOW BUY)
2. bro's...brotha's...bretheren?
1. what does your heart tell you?....i mean...which one do you want to see naked!?

there are so much more quotes to offer....great movie...
on my next blog...i will map out windsor(if confused go to k's blog) and give stories and locations for the sweetest places in england...aka the queens hizzzhouse.

dude...stop blushing...thats lame

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

big bad blog

ok...so today yet again...was not the best. no only did i have a top ten crappy day yesterday(monday) but my poor jeep is giving out on me! He's falling apart...getting beat up and i'm to blame! well not entirely cause yesterday's freak window shattering thing is no one's fault but fates. not to mention i was totally not prepared to see the cute car mechanic guy (duke sweatshirt jeans hair in a pony and flip flops) also...there was glass everywhere and i totally got little shards in my feet but whatev. basically...my bad luck needs to stop. i'm comming upon the end of my worst semester ever and this is not the time to have a string of bad events! its sad what gets me through the day! since the passing of my ipod driving isnt the same...and i've turned into a freak that goes to the same movie 3 1/2 times in a week. oh yes...the half your wondering about...mat and i were watching it...30 minutes into it and yet again...with my bad luck...the power flickers and then darkness. the emergency lights go on...and i realize this is a sign...my life is pathetic and i totally was being stopped from seeing the SAME MOVIE 4 times in a 7 day period. and people...i almost went again tonight. instead i watched high school musicalll...which is a prime example of why disney should NEVER stop making tvmovies. ok i realize i'm ranting...but seriously!! could i get anymore bad luck!??!!?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

no, i'm not OK...

duke lost... not gonna lie...i'm pretty upset about this...really upset. JJ cried...
i think i need to go see my new favorite duke...yup...ok any words of comfort would be great right now...i'm going to go get a coke

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Duke...what a sweet name...for a school and a person

ok...i also must confess. In no way were my actions last night supposed to be offensive to anyone...i simply just couldnt handle another day without seeing my new favorite ridiculous movie (after two times i still havent gotten all my favorite lines...maybe on friday....) anyways, i'm sorry for putting my phone on silent. i cant help my love for duke in all its forms...the team and the amazingly hot person. which leads me to....
DUKE BASKETBALL...tomorrow night...5 pm...be there...and watch my team win. watch jj just jump and those sweet sweet 3's go in. many of my friends are trying to prepare me for a loss....but i wanna see that victory...and i'm gonna get it. tomorrow night people...DUKE v LSU...the win...and a step to the eternal glory which is the ncaa

Monday, March 13, 2006

fire!!!fire!!!my mom is on fire!!! stop blog and ROLLLL

No...not this kind of fire....let me explain...i'm so sorry that i didnt post my quote of the week last week...but i do have one!!!! it happened while i was in California and it happened the night of march the 3rd. Our family was meeting at the Jazz kitchen...and let me tell you...my mom did somethin quite jazzy... when maddi and i finally got to the table she said..."i set my self on FIRE!"(maddi and i immediately quoted the ONLY good quote from Cheaper by the Dozen) and readership....SHE DID!!! my mom set herself on fire...and mother i'm so sorry i didnt give this enough credit because i know you didnt mean for this to be so funny...but it was and i'm so glad you werent hurt but it's a great story that i hope my children will someday hear.
moving on...i'm so sorry people but i know i had a sweet idea for a blog earlier...but now...nothin..nadda..zip...zilch...and i'm truly sorry! i dont even have a picture! and heres the real problem...i know i wrote some stuff down that i wanted to report about...but i lost the bright pink cant miss it post it. this is a new low...not as low as audio quizzes that document every tv show during childhood but right now i'm so pathetic i was even thinking about copying! and i wont do that!
oh heres something cool...today i went to my favorite store...target...i went for the important task of grocery shopping...and no i dont consider purses and shoes groceries BUT i did get myself a new toothbrush...and IT IS AMAZING!!! its a battery one...6 bucks...and i really love it! anything that works on its own basically and all i have to do is stick it in my mouth and move my arm to the left and then the right...amazing...i'm sure i'm going to get some crap for this...reflecting back to my kleenex blog...but hey i'm in a blogslump. writersblog.blogwall. whatever! maybe someone could suggest a good blog topic for me...i'm sorry people...its a blogdarkday
i cant believe 24...what are the writers THINKING!? sadness

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

bliggity bloggoty bloooo

aight...i'm back...many of you know this because of the cry i let out at the end of 24...or possibly that i keep saying stupid things. anyways...disneyland was awesome...i really felt like i was far far away. since lists are easy ways to express feelings i'll do a couple
things i LOVED-
1.SPACE MOUNTAIN( wow...i really love it...its faster!!!)
2.Indiana Jones...mads and i rode this three times...every time i screamed at the snake and was totally terrified when it was pitch black...wow they know how to freak someone out
3.Jungle Cruise- i love this ride, i know its not popular and you are basically guarenteed a less than 15 minute line the "guides" are hilarious and continue to amaze me with thier funniness which they do all day long...i wish i was funny...oh sad
4.Pirates of the Caribbean- its good, its a classic...and its inside and longer than 30 seconds
5.fry wagon-'nuf said
6.Tower of Terror- love the dropping feeling...LOVE IT
7. Soarin over California- my mom convinced some kid to let us ride it twice in a row and never leaving the ride..way to go momma
8.THE DETAILS- disneyland is amazing..they dont miss a freaking thing!
9.FIREWORKS- i love em' those were super cool..they actually have a firework thats shaped like a star...man...and the tinkerbell person...cool i want to fly
10.SEPHORA-it is my disneyland i could spend a long time there and still want more
1. LOG JAMS-yup you read it right...on splash mtn there was a significant log jam which resulted in....
2. LEAVING THE RIDE- two idiots jump off the ride during the big drop and jam up the whole freaking ride resulting in all the anticipation i built up for the big drop being wasted and we just sat there listening to briar rabbit tell us there was a log jam and sing the same annoying song(only cool part...walking along the inside of the ride and then ending up in the backlot...it was cool)
3.RAIN- although the lines were short...i was soaked up to my knees and of course i gave my sister the good coat...why am i so nice, but the lines were super short...i cant complain too much
4. RIDE CLOSURES- because of the rain rides closed cause of flooding or some crap like that...oh and idiots that jump off rides and shut the whole damn ride down (sorry i only get up the nerve to get wet once...and it was ruined!)
5. one way pathways- it took me 10 minutes to go 20 feet...ugh mad

Ok there are only 5 things that arent cool...but overall i had a great time!i enjoyed being a kid and finding out that my dad rode space mountain 3 times in a row till he almost threw up...woo thats some funny stuff

Before i go...
There are some things that are just alittle insane to me on tv right now...these being...EDGAR DIED...man!I LOVED HIM...poor bio guy is going to be soooo broken up about this! ALSO there is a Cutting Edge 2 on ABC Family...wow...didnt think it'd go to this...not to mention isnt this the wrong time to show it?? the olympic hype is OVER...mmmk...heres the TRUTH...i'll probably watch it cause i'm an insomniac

i love colbert...which is on in 30 minutes...yess

Thursday, March 02, 2006

so longggg farewellll i'm going to mickey's house

It's finally thursday...a day that is not normally celebrated but today...today is a celebration...in just a few short hours i'm winging my way OUT of utah and going to the happiest place on earth. I know some of you are worried about how excited i am...but i love disneyland...i love california..i love the sun...and warmth. got the picture? I'm going to do my best with the requests made and i'm sure everyone will get a sucker for the 2 hours of 24 on monday!!!!
now to my new segment: Quote of the Week...this is by krizzle(yet again protecting the one that said this) this may need some explaining but here it goes...
"The only person giving me mouth to mouth is Michon's Sister"
why does someone want mouth to mouth from my sister?? the same reason i'm going to share a drink with my sister...she has mono..and this semester is such a pain for certain people that laying around all day with a university excused withdraw doesnt sound so bad...sure the coughing hacking and sniffing isnt a joy but watching every movie ever?! the pros and cons are having a war. Here is a picture of my sister...dont know if she'll like it but hey...my readership needs to see the one who may get me out of school...
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend...i'm sad if i miss any parties...but hey i'm going to be chillin with the number one mouse!!

Monday, February 27, 2006

whooop there is it....tag team back again

This weekend was awesome....
i started my first quilt i'll by myself...no help from momma...well other than when the thread came out of the machine and moral support when i was scared i'd mess up...OH and she can reach the top of the flannel board ...i alas am too short to even put up the third row which is really sad an pathetic...i blame my mom for not stretching me enough as a small child..maybe i would have been 5'4''

secondly...JJ became the all time leading scorer in the ACC...i know my readership is rebelling against my blogpictures but after this season he's gone from duke...give a girl a break...plus 2, 589 points in 4 years is nothing to throw a fit about...i'll support the mavs when you need me too remember who was at the jazz v mavs game??? uh huh...nuf said

finally...i'd like to say that i'm leaving for the magical kingdom, hap hap happiest place on earth, mickey's house, party central on thursday...if anyone wants some mickeyfied memorabilia put your orders in now...cause man i cant wait to LEAVE UTAH and enjoy some nice california air...and i love disneyland

Thursday, February 23, 2006

up jump the funny....

i'm going to start putting my favorite quotes of the week in my blog...this will accomplish 2 things...making sure i blog atleast once a week( i know i'm slacking) and some type of documentation of what my friends say...this weeks quote winner is...Jenizzle(i changed her name for her own protection)
" This is truly a spoon" ( this was in reference to the Wendy's spoons they give with Frosty's, i believe he reasoning for saying its a true spoon was because of its "dip"?)

my reason for blogging is really a celebration for 2 weeks of tests/stress that is finally over. not that the F on my test this morning was a good ending but its over...and i'm thankful for that. and now that my stress is gone i can focus on more important things...like getting new hobbies. i think i'm maxing out on my tv time...i need something to do while watching tv...here are my options...let me know what you think
1. Quilting ( thats actually started...got the fabric last week)
2. sewing
3. bungee jumping
4. knitting
5. other(what are other hobbies as soon as i started making this list i realized how few hobbies i've ever thought about doing)

alright...it is time to wind down, watch a movie and enjoy my extremely large coke and playing with my pink phone...haha

Monday, February 20, 2006

ice dancing...a sport or an outlet for creativity on ice

i know you all have seen this picture several times...but its one of the best i have and this weekend he became Dukes all time leading scorer...and people the season isnt over yet!!!!! he has scored 2, 557 points...that is the best thing i've ever seen...cause people i've seen EVERY POINT!!! This was the highlight of my weekend...right next to buying fabric for my quilt

moving on...
yes, i'm watching ice dancing. this is something that i am having a difficult time admitting to myself. this is what stress does to me...i shut down and watch mind numbing sports that i am still debating if they are real or not. i've cleaned my room...dumped out all the trash and made a to do list for the next 24 hours. i'm so stressed with all the things i have to do...i'm pissed about my crappy living situation...and all i want to do is work on my new quilt. this semester is not going well at all! but hey the americans are going to medal in ice dancing for the first time in 30 years...now thats amazing.

heres to hoping that march 2nd comes quicker and my readership is having a better month
good night and good luck

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

i just want your brain...


OH MAN...what a difference GOOD MUSAK makes!!! Today was an AMAZING shuffle day. for all of you wondering about the lifesupport on my ipod...its in the IICU (ipod intensive care unit...aka has to always be plugged into a power source) Its basically looking at the appley gates. BUT in its last days it is playing some AWESOME KICK A NO DOUBT ABOUT IT CONNECTED WITH MY MUSICAL NEEDS SONGS. FOR THAT I WILL ALWAYS LOVE MY LITTLE "IP" i feel so sad that i never named it. i name almost everything! IM SORRY! but today...it played old school r&b...sweet aerosmith, U2, CLASSIC RAP and artists that i am ashamed that i forgot how awesome they were...some will remain nameless because i fear that i will be mocked for all time and eternity but...JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE love the Justified and cant wait for the sophmore album...Stephens CMC Mix, i know this isnt a single artist but its one of the best cd's ive ever had made for me...and if anyone makes a better one then i will bow down to ya. cause i love that mix its got everything! JEM...i dont like many...but Closer and 24 are goood...man and then there are so many songs that i dont know who even sings them but they're on the "drive to high school at 630 am songs that seriously make me have those flashback moments where its totally out of body and i'm cruising down 15th with the sunroof open and mat and i are jammin!! (sorry for all the people here who have never been to my hood in btown...its a sweet place)
moving on...tonight i learned about gazoogle?! wow...how could i have missed this!!?? thanks alot people...dont assume i can just clue into all these things! i know very little in the grand scheme of life! and i'm so glad my comments are funny when theyve been izzlefied...thanks for making me feel so lame normally.
i'd also like to give a shout out to the olympics...there are some sweet athletes out there...and then there are many that are NOT livin up to the hype...BODE...Jeremy(i know you're a pretty face but come on!! produce!) but i've gained a new appreciation for how awesome speed skating is...i'm addicted...also ski jumping...in my next life i want to be strapped to 11 foot long sticks and sent down an icy ramp of death praying that my skis dont cross and i land in a sweet kneeling to be knighted position 104 meters down the way...man...i missed my calling in life! props to all insane people who do that...
at this moment i'm realizing that i have said nothing cool in this blog and am clearly only blogging to please a certain reader who can name u2 songs in .45 seconds flat...

i suck at this! something awesome needs to happen to me...anyone up for a road trip next weekend??? i need inspiration

p.s. lost was good

k~this is my quilt...its the best pic i got but it kinda gives you an idea of how awful of a child i am to make my mom do that...but i did cut out all 500 leaves and 100 flowers

Thursday, February 09, 2006

She take ma blog-ing...well i'm in neeeed

My ipod is on its last kick...literally...i fear that any day now it will have to be laid to rest...creamated...and its ashes spread in the canyon. In this time of reflection it makes me think of all the things i am completely dependent on...here are a few

Duke Basketball...its fun...i get to see sweet basketball and JJ...it gives me something to look forward to for 5 months and then be excited about for 7 other months

My down filled comforter...without this marvelous fluffy blanket of happiness i fear that i would become a total insomniac and start watching creepy late night shows...or even worse the lifetime network

My Dell...i may swear at it often, curse it with my very being but without it i would not have the ability to gush my life out in the blogosphere and rock out to kanye

Bed head hair products...for years nothing could manage my tresses but now...i love them...and it smells good too

Itunes...seriously?! where was all my music stored before itunes? where could i buy single songs before itunes? who else would get me buying songs just for the mere chance of winning a computer 10 ipods and a 10,000 itunes gift card...its like the lottery but funner

Chapstick...i'm fully addicted and must always have one with me...i fear there is no 12 step program for this problem.

my jeep...jeepy and i have been together since 2000 and really he's the only auto in my life. through the good and bad my jeep has been there for me...and when it's axel and bearings and transmission went out i was right there with it holding its side mirror waiting for its return to glory

dvr/tivo...this is the invention of the century...how else could i watch jj redick while the "shat" is on boston legal...before dvr entered my life i would have to make difficult decisions every night on where my loyalties were...but now...i'm an equal opprotunity advocate that doesnt know how to make decisions anymore.

Christmas Movies...they make me happy...and yes i watch them year round sometimes i just need a lie that draws a smile, instead of a truth that draws a tear. i could go on forever baby...

In my final notes today i would like to thank kanye and kelly clarkson for giving totally kick-a performances last night. and say a farewell to mariah carey...i'm sick of her...done...over